
咨詢服務熱線:1396913933313156159292   13156159292


返回列表 來源:濟南泉西重型鍛造機械有限公司 網址:atar.com.cn 發布日期 2017-06-26 瀏覽: 0


  A Ji'nan forging is an object in which the metal is subjected to pressure and a plastic deformation is used to describe a desired shape or suitable compressive force. This effort is typically accomplished by using a hammer or pressure. The casting process created a sophisticated particle structure and improved the physical characteristics of the metal. In the practical application of parts and components, an accurate design enables the particles to flow in the direction of the main pressure. The forgings need to be uniform in each piece without any porosity, excess space, inclusions, or other defects.


  The requirements for the forgings are all together, without any porosity, excess space, inclusions, or other defects. The component produced by this method has a high ratio of strength to weight. These elements are usually used in aircraft structures.


  The interests of forgings have an extended length, a shortened cross section, a shortened length, an extended cross section, a variable length, and a variable cross section. The types of forgings are free forging / hand forging, hot die forging / precision forging, top forging, roll forging and die forging. Forgings include aircraft forgings, diesel forgings, marine forgings, weapon forgings, petrochemical forgings, mine forgings, nuclear power forgings, thermal power forgings, and hydroelectric forgings. Forgings have an extensible length, a contracted cross section, a contracted length, an extended cross section, a variable length, and a variable cross section. The types of forgings are free forging / hand forging, hot die forging / precision forging, top forging, roll forging and die forging.



濟南泉西重型鍛造機械有限公司@版權所有 魯ICP備13005818號
手機:13969139333 (張經理)???手機:13156159292(馬經理)
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